Technology | Phil Casmer and Tim Snyder
Technology in Worship
Since 2020 many churches have significantly upgraded their audio and video capabilities. In this presentation, two members of a church newly dedicated in the fall of 2023 review technology deliberations and decisions accomplished at a cost of about $75,000. The focus is on ideals, principles, and best practices, as well as specific equipment choices and the practical use of that equipment for both live worship and streaming—including a solution for hiding digital display panels when not needed—and to technology’s impact on acoustics that are good both for singing and for clarity of the spoken word. Attention will be given also to less expensive projects and to cost-effective upgrades to existing systems.
Bio | Phil Casmer
Pastor Casmer has served for 15 years at Christ the Lord in Brookfield, Wis. He has presented on “working with a parish music director” at previous WELS worship conferences, has served on the manuals committee for the WELS Hymnal Project, and as a circuit pastor in the Southeastern Wisconsin District. He is currently pursuing a doctor of ministry degree in homiletics through Concordia Seminary (St. Louis).
Bio | Tim Snyder
Tim is in his 14th year as the media services coordinator at Wisconsin Lutheran College. During his time there he has coordinated AV technology for a variety of events in many different venues. As a member at Christ the Lord in Brookfield, Wis., Tim served on the AV/Tech Committee during the building of their new worship sanctuary.