Meaningful Membership | Donn Dobberstein
More Than Just Good Worship: Meaningful Membership
A church can offer excellent preaching and inspiring music, yet still suffer the unwanted effect of back-door losses—people who quit and walk away. Why is that? In a pulse survey, WELS members were asked, “Do you feel you ‘fit in’ and are part of a church family?” Half responded that they don’t feel they are usually part of their church family. What negative consequences for worship are implied? More importantly, what might a congregation do about it? And how would your members benefit from a church unafraid to communicate what it means to be a member? This session will share key non-negotiables that are often overlooked but strengthen meaningful membership for the young and old, the lifelong Lutheran or the brand-new member.
Bio | Donn Dobberstein
Rev. Dobberstein served mission parishes in Topeka, Kan., and Port Orange, Fla., for 22 years. Additionally, he served on the Nebraska District Mission Board and South Atlantic District Evangelism Commission as well as chairman for the WELS Commission on Evangelism. In 2017, he accepted the call to be director of WELS Discipleship. His responsibilities include women’s ministry, youth and family ministry, and discipleship. He has presented in the past for a variety of synod workshops (WELS Schools of Outreach, Telling the Next Generation) and conferences (WELS national leadership conferences, WELS National Conference on Worship, Music, and the Arts).