Pastor/Musician Relationship | David Porth and Aaron Winkelman

David Porth and Aaron Winkelman

Nurturing and Sustaining a Healthy Pastor/Musician Relationship

As the foundation of all parish health and activity, corporate worship is the most important function of any congregation. This practical workshop will focus on the critical importance of pastor(s) and musician(s) working seamlessly together to provide high-quality worship each and every week. It will focus on practical organizational matters, philosophy of ministry consensus, and relational respect for each other’s roles.

Bio | Aaron Winkelman

Aaron WinkelmanPrior to joining Pilgrim in January 2023, Pastor Winkelman previously served congregations in Waupaca, Wis; La Porte, Ind.; and Fort Atkinson, Wis. With parish experience ranging from large churches with schools to mission congregations, he has presided over and prepared corporate worship to meet a variety of needs and to use a broad range of talents and abilities for the weekly divine service of Christ’s people.

Bio | David Porth

David PorthSince 2014, David has served Pilgrim Lutheran Church and School, Menomonee Falls, Wis., as grades 7-8 teacher and worship coordinator. These duties include worship planning, serving as head organist, directing the adult choir, and including a wide variety of instrumentalists. He holds a Master of Church Music degree from Concordia University Wisconsin. He also serves as the district worship coordinator for the Southeastern Wisconsin District, was a curriculum writer for the synod’s hymnology curriculum, is a member of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians (ALCM), and is an associate organist and member of the Fine Arts Committee at St. Marcus, Milwaukee.