2pt-Unison Adult | Levi Nagel
2pt-Unison Adult
Learn about the latest adult 2pt-unison repertoire from NPH and a curated selection from other sacred music publishers. Also included will be discussion about and examples of adapting SATB/SAB repertoire for 2pt-unison choirs.
Bio | Levi Nagel
Levi is a full-time staff minister serving in the area of worship for the past 19 years. From 2005–2016 he served at Grace, Falls Church, Va. He currently serves as the minister of music and worship at St. John’s, Milwaukee (Forest Home Ave.). He holds a BA in music from Wisconsin Lutheran College and a Master of Church Music degree from Concordia University Wisconsin. While living in the Washington, D.C., area, Levi sang professionally with several choirs, including the Washington Chorus and the Washington Master Chorale, for the latter of which he was the principal chair for his section. Levi has also been the artistic director of the Lutheran Chorale of Milwaukee since 2018. During the hymnal project, he served on the music subcommittee of the hymns committee, and in 2022, he served as one of the clinicians for the East Regional Choral Festival.