Adiaphora: Freedom and Consensus | Paul Prange
Adiaphora: Freedom and Consensus in Worship
How much are forms of worship commanded, and how much are they personal preference of the worship planners? This presentation provides insights from the past—A.D. 55, 1571, 1941, 1983, 2008—before making applications for the present. Participants will grow in their understanding of the value of both freedom and consensus in worship while also sharpening their ability to assess questionable cultural assumptions.
Bio | Paul Prange
Rev. Prange serves as the interim director of the WELS Commission on Worship. He is also administrator for Ministerial Education and chairman of the Joint Mission Council. His broad ministry experience includes time as a home missionary, a world missionary, and a parish pastor, but most people remember him as president of Michigan Lutheran Seminary, 1994–2009. He was chairman of the committee that prepared the Psalter as part of the new WELS hymnal suite.