
Paraments, Vestments, and Textile Art for the Worship Space

The design and creation of textiles used in the church is an involved process. In this sectional you will learn how Sara Nordling designs her paraments and vestments considering not only the theological implication but the specific site where the item will be used. The presentation will enlighten those who haven’t thought about ecclesiastical textiles, inform everyone of what’s involved, and perhaps inspire others to get involved in creating works of art for the church.

Bio | Sara Nordling

Sara is a lifelong Lutheran currently living in Fort Wayne, Ind. She is a rostered deaconess in the LCMS and has an MFA in studio art/textiles from Indiana University. Sara teaches art, weaves, and works on commissions for ecclesiastical textiles. Her art and textiles work has been exhibited both nationally and internationally, and her commissioned work is in homes and churches around the globe.

A Defense of the Unique in Christian Art

What does the gospel look like? Is it an image of Jesus holding a lamb or a depiction of his crucifixion? Is the only avenue for devotional art a painting such as the Warner Sallman standard? This session shows how the message of the gospel can be expressed in many forms to serve the church’s purpose—both to do mission work among unbelievers and to educate and edify believers. We will look at some unique visual concepts that perhaps don’t fit into the traditional format of Christian visual arts but should still be valued for communicating the gospel.


Bio | John Bergmeier

John received a BA in studio arts from Hastings College in Nebraska and an MFA in printmaking and drawing from Wichita State University in Kansas. He has worked as a commercial designer and design manager since 1992 and has continued to create artwork throughout this time in his home studios. He has exhibited internationally and has also taught studio art and graphic design classes at various colleges.

Paul Burmeister

Seeking One Thing While Being Shadowed by Another

Using a framework of “the sublime and the shabby,” this presentation will explore how we think about things such as excellence and faithfulness, and high and low (in forms and expressions of culture, such as art), and about their possible applications to church-life and faith-life. The presenter will propose that we ought to be careful about the words we use and that we ought to avoid setting up false choices. Drawing upon his experiences and expertise in higher education and as a visual artist and lifelong active WELS member, the presenter will center his ideas in the doctrine of vocation.

Bio | Paul Burmeister

Prof. Burmeister is a published artist and writer. His acrylic paintings are exhibited regionally, and his writing on aspects of Christian vocation is published in a variety of settings. He has 25 years’ experience as a professor and administrator in higher education, and he has worked in the field of graphic design for many years. He has been involved in a number of church design projects connected to WELS and ELS.

Carolyn Brinkley

Enriching Devotional Life Through Artwork: An In-Depth Study of Albrecht Dürer’s Small Passion Woodcuts

After a brief overview of the artist Albrecht Dürer, this presentation will center on using his Small Passion woodcuts as a devotional aid. The viewer will be drawn into Dürer’s pictorial accounts of Scripture and given insight to see the holy events of Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection as if they were happening right in front of their eyes. The focus will be on the suffering of Christ and his promise not only to be with his faithful people in their suffering, but also to bring it to good.

Bio | Carolyn Brinkley

Carolyn is the author of Bearing the Cross: Devotions on Albrecht Dürer’s Small Passion, published by Concordia Publishing House in 2012. She earned her BA at Concordia Teachers College, River Forest, and MA at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, where she is a deaconess serving as the Military Project director. Carolyn is an artist specializing in a mixed media of watercolors and pressed flower art.